About the Author

Michael Hartle is a PhD student at Telekooperation, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. He is writing his PhD thesis on Bitstream Segment Graphs (BSGs) as a new approach towards describing data formats.


Simple API for Binary REpresentations (SABRE) in Java


This project provides the Java-based implementation of the Simple API for Binary REpresentations (SABRE). The library defines observer-pattern interfaces for processing hierarchically structured, binary-oriented documents, comparable to the Simple API for XML (SAX). Processing can be modularized into a streaming pipeline composed of separate stages, enabling the parsing, transformation and serialization of large binary documents.


The SABRE library and its source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).


SABRE is currently used in the Java Iso Image Creator (JIIC) library and the UDFLib library, which is provided together with SABRE:
